There is no doubt that there are plenty of different cryptocurrency exchanges to pick from in today’s crypto market. This includes both centralized and decentralized exchanges, cryptocurrency brokers, and so on - not all of them, however, are going to be suitable all throughout the world. Today, we’ll be looking at the best US crypto exchanges.
Why are cryptocurrency exchanges in USA even important, to begin with? Well, being catered around the US market, you can be sure that, while using these exchanges, you won’t run into some issues with legalities or other “official” difficulties.
Now, some of the companies on this list aren’t US-based crypto exchanges - one of them doesn’t even support US users, in general (bare with me - it will all make sense in a bit)! Still, for one reason or another, all of the exchanges listed below are worth paying attention to, if you’re based in the US:
Best US Crypto Exchange: The Criteria
Before we jump into the list of the best US crypto exchanges, let us first get our priorities straight and figure out what are the criteria surrounding that very term - “best”.
The best crypto exchange for USA is going to possess the vast majority of the same features as a “best” exchange for any other part of the world, too - that’s why you’ll find that the majority of the exchanges found on this list are very well-known brands that you might be able to locate on some other lists, as well.
That, however, does not change the fact that they’re great.
First of all, the best US crypto exchange should, naturally, be super-secure. In this situation, decentralized exchanges are your best bet - they are often considered to be safer alternatives to centralized ones, even though not being as popular as the latter (although there are some exceptions).
In general, though, a secure crypto exchange is going to support 2FA, custom PIN code creation, and might even keep the cryptos stored offline, away from the potential hackers and their hacking attempts. Naturally, an exchange like that should have no (significant) history of security breaches, either.
Secondly, whether it be US-based crypto exchanges or foreign ones, they should offer a wide variety of different crypto assets for you to purchase, trade, sell, and exchange. In this day and age, hodling only Bitcoin is something that’s almost shunned upon - crypto investors aim to diversify their crypto coin portfolios, and thus need an exchange that supports multiple coins, as a result.
The best US crypto exchanges are going to be intuitive and simple to use. Assuming that you plan on trading cryptocurrencies for more than one or two days, you’d probably appreciate an exchange that doesn’t require you to pass multiple and unnecessarily difficult barriers just to log in, right?
Last but not least, fees - a top-tier cryptocurrency exchange in the USA should possess great fees, in the sense that they should be competitively low. Admittedly, while that may be the main thing that one might focus on while looking for the best US crypto exchanges, I urge you not to forget the rest of the features discussed above, either!
With all of that said, let’s get straight to the list!